We had centralized software repositories long before AppStore. Why is distributing software for Linux still so hard?

OmniPackage combines CI with repositories and set of tools to simplify the process of creating and distributing your own RPM and DEB packages for many distros using native package managers

Coming soon

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OmniPackage helps you create RPM spec files and similar sets of files for DEB. For building, it spawns rpmbuild and dpkg-buildpackage inside containers for each supported distro. After building, it signs the packages via GPG key and uploads them to S3-compatible storage, which serves as a respository. Finally, it generates a web page with instructions on how to add the repository and install your package. You can share a link to this page with your users.

No vendor lock

It is open source and you can self-host it

You can use your own s3 bucket for respoitories and thus switch to self-hosted version any time without changing respositories' URLs (i.e. your users noticing this)

No subscription

Pay only for storage and CPU when building

You can host your own build agent

You can use your own s3-compatible storage